Thomas Jefferson Quote

I prefer the dreams of the future to the history of the past.

It is not wealth or splendor, but rather tranquility and work, that provide happiness.

Thomas Jefferson

I am in favor of a government that is vigorously frugal and simple.

Thomas Jefferson

Life lacks value if it does not bring us satisfaction. Among these, the most valuable is rational society, which enlightens the mind, soothes the temperament, uplifts the spirit, and promotes health.

Thomas Jefferson

Don't spend your money before earning it.

Thomas Jefferson

The happiest person is the one of whom the world speaks as little as possible, whether it be in good or bad.

Thomas Jefferson

Where can one go who has reached this far, if beyond lies only the dead?

Thomas Jefferson

The man who is not afraid of the truths has nothing to fear from lies.

Thomas Jefferson

Undoubtedly, no one cares about someone who doesn't care about anyone.

Thomas Jefferson

There is no talent more valuable than that of not using two words when one is enough.

Thomas Jefferson

An incorrect opinion can be tolerated where reason is free to combat it.

Thomas Jefferson

I have never been able to conceive how a rational being could pursue happiness by exercising power over others.

Thomas Jefferson