Collection of phrases and quotes about technology.
A thousand things move forward. Nine hundred and ninety-nine move backward. This is progress.
By building well, one becomes a good architect.
Reinforced concrete is an honest and useful muse, and perhaps in the hands of a brilliant architect it would be admirable; but when it gets out of control and feels bold, like a cook turned cabaret singer, it commits such horrors that it should be restrained and taken to jail.
All progress is based on the universal and innate desire of every organism to live beyond its means.
The machines evolve and reproduce at a prodigious speed. If we do not declare all-out war on them, it will be too late to resist their dominance.
Condemning progress in everything is to forget the orchards that have made seawater desalination possible; idealizing it is to forget Hiroshima.
Machines can only be a product of our being, if we examine the machines we build and the things we put into them, we have a unique and reliable record of how we are evolving.
The day man realizes his deep mistakes, the progress of science would have ended.
I was taught that the path of progress is neither quick nor easy.
I am one of those who think that science has great beauty. A scientist in his laboratory is not only a technician: he is also a child placed before natural phenomena which impress him like a fairy tale.
The architect of the future will be based on the imitation of nature, because it is the most rational, durable, and economical form of all methods.
You don't make progress by improving what is already done, but by striving to achieve what is still left to do.