Collection of phrases and short quotes to share on your social networks.
To help those in need is not only part of duty, but of happiness.
One who has a right does not obtain the right to violate others' in order to maintain their own.
The well-being of many is preferable to the opulence of a few.
The earth was made for a pedestal, not a tomb, since it lies at our feet.
Rights are taken, not requested; they are seized, not begged for.
The only autograph worthy of a man is the one he leaves written with his works.
Men are divided into two camps: those who love and build, those who hate and destroy.
Timely praise fosters merit, and the lack of praise discourages it.
Sometimes, on any given afternoon, sweetness settles into the words.
There is no present: all paths are memories or questions.
Freedom is to dream it.
Sometimes in the dark, in the complicated, truth is touched.