Collection of phrases and short quotes to share on your social networks.
A smile is a true life force, the only one capable of moving the immovable.
Success is not achieved by celebrating victories but by overcoming failures.
A pebble in the bed of a humble brook can change the course of a river.
A penny well spent is worth more than a penny saved.
Luck is nothing more than the ability to take advantage of favorable opportunities.
Economics consists of knowing how to spend, and savings consists of knowing how to save.
I am what I am unaware that I am. I am everything that I don't know.
A relative peace is worth more than a won war.
One should not try to please those who will not be pleased.
Living is taking stock of what has been lived.
Too often, some men sacrifice being themselves in order to be different.
False doctrines tend to seek imposition, true ones prefer to justify themselves.