Collection of phrases and short quotes to share on your social networks.
Each day has enough of its own worries, and there is no need to anticipate those of tomorrow.
Modernism is the attitude of someone who doesn't believe in what they believe.
Those who have the heart to help have the right to criticize.
Work! If you don't need it to feed yourself, you need it like medicine.
My prison will be my grave before yielding an inch; for my conscience is not owed to any mortal.
In the long run, a hierarchical society would only be possible based on poverty and ignorance.
Power is not a means, but an end in itself.
It is impossible to found a civilization on fear, hatred, and cruelty. It would not endure.
Nothing would change as long as power remained in the hands of a privileged minority.
If who controls the past, controls the future, who controls the present, controls the past?