Sacha Guitry Quote

If someone wants to steal your spouse, the best way to get back at them is to let them take them.

If those who speak ill of me knew exactly what I think of them, they would speak worse.

Sacha Guitry

If women were good, God would have one.

Sacha Guitry

Oh my God, you looked so beautiful this afternoon when we were talking on the phone!

Sacha Guitry

The secret to a happy marriage is forgiving each other for getting married.

Sacha Guitry

Definitely we will have to surrender to the evidence that this world is crazy.

Sacha Guitry

When it is said that money does not bring happiness, it obviously refers to other people's money.

Sacha Guitry

One should never look at a sleeping person. It's like opening a letter that wasn't addressed to us.

Sacha Guitry

I am informed of the death of someone whose presence did not excite me, and I think to myself: I didn't ask for so much.

Sacha Guitry

Life: a collection of small dramas that together amount to nothing more than a comedy.

Sacha Guitry

School: a place where children learn what is necessary to become a teacher.

Sacha Guitry

Nothing distracts me, nothing amuses me. And what doesn't excite me, bores me.

Sacha Guitry