Collection of phrases and quotes about love.
Love is a trick of nature.
Love is like a fire, if it is not communicated, it goes out.
There are those who have the desire to love, but not the ability to love.
If it is true that in every friend there is a potential enemy. Why can't it be that every enemy hides a friend who waits for their time?
Love is not capable of seeing the bad sides of a being; hatred is not capable of seeing the good sides.
When one does not love too much, one does not love enough.
By talking about love, one ends up falling in love. Nothing so easy. This is the most natural passion of man.
Few friendships would remain in this world if one knew what their friend says about them in their absence, even if their words were sincere and unemotional.
Everything is in childhood, even that fascination that will be the future and that only then is felt as a wonderful shock.
Love has the virtue of undressing not the two lovers facing each other, but each one in front of themselves.