Collection of phrases and quotes about life.
He who possesses the most accurate notions about the causes of things and is able to give a perfect account of them in his teaching is wiser than all others in any other science.
There is only one driving force: desire.
As the eyes of bats are dazzled by the light of day, in the same way, the intelligence of our soul is dazzled by obvious things.
The wise have the same advantages over the ignorant as the living over the dead.
Man can learn nothing except in virtue of what he already knows.
And it is that nature does nothing in vain, and among the animals, man is the only one who possesses the word.
If nothing is eternal, production and generation are not possible.
It's best to leave life like a party, neither thirsty nor drunk.
Almost everyone distinguishes the soul by three of its attributes: movement, sensation, and incorporeality.
What has a soul is distinguished from what does not by the fact of living.
Necessity has caused to pair those who cannot exist without each other, such as man and woman.
Nature does nothing in vain.
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