Collection of phrases and quotes about knowledge.
A thorn of experience is worth more than a forest of warnings.
How much confidence is inspired by an old book that time has already critiqued!
Science, despite its incredible progress, cannot and will never be able to explain everything. It will continuously gain new territories in what today seems inexplicable. However, the frontier lines of knowledge, no matter how far they extend, will always have an infinite world of mystery ahead.
The true greatness of science ends up being valued for its usefulness.
True science is far above political passions, racial and language differences, and religious sectarianism.
A story is not only true when it is narrated as it has happened, but also when it tells how it could have occurred.
From the moment I picked up his book, I fell to the floor laughing. I hope to read it someday.
Human beings make their own history, albeit under circumstances influenced by the past.
No one has ever benefited from the experience of others.