Collection of the best phrases and famous quotes from the most prominent authors.
To have is not to possess. One can have that which is not desired. Possession is to have and enjoy what one has.
There are words that retract, that deny themselves, because they hold too much meaning for our ears tired of words.
I have learned not to try to convince anyone. The work of convincing is a lack of respect, it is an attempt to colonize the other.
Within us there is something that has no name, and that is what we really are.
I do not write to please, nor to displease. I write to unsettle.
Disagreeing is one of the rights missing from the Declaration of Human Rights.
I think that we are all blind. We are blind people who can see, but do not look.
History is written from the point of view of the victors; the vanquished have never written history. It is inevitably written from a male point of view.
She did not find an answer, answers do not always come when one needs them; often, waiting is the only possible answer.
We do nothing more in life than search for the place to stay forever.
The sad truth is that youth doesn't know what it can, and old age can't do what it knows.