Collection of the best phrases and famous quotes from the most prominent authors.
The dance is sculpture in motion.
To forgive is to not take too much into account the limitations and flaws of the other, to not take them too seriously, but to diminish their importance, with good humor, saying: 'I know you're not like that!'
Television systematically destroys the distinction between normal and abnormal, because within its parameters, normal lacks sufficient interest and therefore always needs to be contrasted with an alternative. Its criteria are not the dissemination of values and principles, but rather to provoke the greatest impact.
If men use their freedom in such a way that they renounce it, can they be considered any less slaves? If the people choose by plebiscite a despot to govern them, are they still free because despotism has been their own doing?
Progress is not an accident, it is a necessity, a part of nature.
I regret nothing. The one who regrets what they have done is doubly miserable.
If you do not want to repeat the past, study it.