Collection of the best phrases and famous quotes from the most prominent authors.
Men are like stars, some give light from within themselves, and others shine with the light they receive.
Language must be mathematical, geometric, sculptural. The idea must fit exactly into the sentence, so precisely that nothing can be taken away from the sentence without removing the same from the idea.
The well-being of many is preferable to the opulence of a few.
My job is to sing everything beautiful, to ignite enthusiasm for everything noble, to admire and make others admire everything great.
The earth was made for a pedestal, not a tomb, since it lies at our feet.
The only autograph worthy of a man is the one he leaves written with his works.
Men are divided into two camps: those who love and build, those who hate and destroy.
Timely praise fosters merit, and the lack of praise discourages it.