Collection of the best phrases and famous quotes from the most prominent authors.
The strongest force of all is an innocent heart
Suffering deserves respect, submission is contemptible
Chaste love ennobles souls
How! No criticism at all? No. Genius is an entity like nature and, like nature, it wants to be accepted purely and simply. A mountain is taken or left. There are people who criticize the Himalayas stone by stone! Everything in genius has its reason for being. It is because it is. Its name is the reverse of its light. Its fire is a consequence of its flame. Its precipice is the condition of its height.
To be discussed is to be perceived.
Architecture is the great book of humanity.
To attribute the revolution to men is to attribute the tide to the waves.
Success is a rather repugnant thing. Its false resemblance to merit deceives men.
Popularity? That's glory in pennies.
Remembrance is neighbor to remorse.