Collection of the best phrases and famous quotes from the most prominent authors.
Falling in love is to feel enchanted by something, and something can only enchant if it is or seems to be perfection.
The men most capable of thinking about love are those who have experienced it the least; and those who have experienced it are often incapable of meditating on it.
Civilization does not last because men are only interested in its results: anesthetics, automobiles, radio. But nothing that civilization provides is the natural fruit of an endemic tree. Everything is the result of an effort. A civilization only endures if many contribute their collaboration to the effort. If everyone prefers to enjoy the fruit, civilization sinks.
It is important to emphasize the role that facial features and gestures such as a kiss play in love. They reveal the authentic being of the person we love.
He who in the name of freedom renounces to be who he has to be, has already killed himself in life: he is a standing suicide. His existence will consist of a perpetual escape from the only reality that could have been.
That we don't know what's happening to us: that's what's happening to us.
Science is everything about which there is always room for discussion.
Eternal human life would be unbearable. It gains value precisely because its brevity tightens, condenses, and makes it compact.