Collection of the best phrases and famous quotes from the most prominent authors.
Most of the time, success depends on knowing how long it will take to achieve it.
Luxury is always in proportion to the disparity of fortunes.
More states have perished due to the depravity of customs than from the violation of laws.
I would like to abolish funeral pomp. We should weep for men when they are born, not when they die.
In order to prevent the abuse of power, it is necessary for power to check power.
Countries are not cultivated by reason of their fertility, but by reason of their freedom.
Most men are capable of great deeds rather than good deeds.
When men promise a woman that they will love her forever, they in turn assume that she promises to always be kind to them; if she fails to keep her word, they do not feel bound by theirs.
When a government lasts a long time, it decomposes slowly and imperceptibly.