Collection of the best phrases and famous quotes from the most prominent authors.
Modernism is the attitude of someone who doesn't believe in what they believe.
A mother is always loved with equal affection, and at any age, one is a child when a mother passes away.
Those who have the heart to help have the right to criticize.
Work! If you don't need it to feed yourself, you need it like medicine.
If you don't need to work to eat, you will need to work for your health. Love work and don't let the weeds of idleness grow.
My prison will be my grave before yielding an inch; for my conscience is not owed to any mortal.
In the long run, a hierarchical society would only be possible based on poverty and ignorance.
Power is not a means, but an end in itself.
It is impossible to found a civilization on fear, hatred, and cruelty. It would not endure.
Power is not a means, Winston. A dictatorship is not established to safeguard a revolution; the revolution is made to establish a dictatorship. The goal of power is power.
Freedom is being able to say freely that two and two make four. If this is granted, everything else will follow in its steps.