Collection of the best phrases and famous quotes from the most prominent authors.
Well, and now who will free us from our liberators?
I prefer to be wrong believing in a God who does not exist, than to be wrong not believing in a God who exists. Because if there is nothing afterwards, obviously I will never know it when I sink into eternal nothingness; but if there is something, if there is Someone, I will have to account for my attitude of rejection.
It is worth knowing something about everything, rather than knowing everything about one thing.
When one does not love too much, one does not love enough.
Man has illusions like the bird has wings. That's what sustains him.
Mediocrity is the only thing that suits. This has been established by the majority, and it bites anyone who escapes from it in any way.
The strings that tie the respect of one for another are, in general, strings of necessity.