Collection of the best phrases and famous quotes from the most prominent authors.
Love is not capable of seeing the bad sides of a being; hatred is not capable of seeing the good sides.
Nothing is poison, everything is poison: the difference is in the dose.
Let it not be from another who can be master of oneself.
The education of women cannot be called education, but rather taming, since its ultimate goal is obedience, passivity, and submission.
It is absurd for a people to place their hopes of redemption and happiness in forms of government that they do not understand.
All women conceive ideas, but not all conceive children. The human being is not a fruit tree that is only cultivated for the harvest.
Any woman who aspires to behave like a man, surely lacks ambition.
I only ask three things of a man: that he be handsome, ruthless, and stupid.
There are four things that I would have been better off without: love, curiosity, freckles, and doubts.
The two most important words in the English language are: enclosed check.
It's a relief to find in a book of rules or laws something that will never affect you.
First condition of every masterpiece: to go unnoticed.