Famous quotes

Collection of the best phrases and famous quotes from the most prominent authors.

Seeking the good of our fellow beings, we find our own.

The human body is the carriage; the self, the man who drives it; thoughts are the reins, and feelings are the horses.

Poverty does not come from the decrease of wealth, but from the multiplication of desires.

There is no man so cowardly that love does not make brave and transform into a hero.

When death rushes upon man, the mortal part is extinguished; but the immortal principle withdraws and departs safe and sound.

Philosophy is a silent dialogue of the soul with itself about being.

Where the authority is coveted and contested, there can be no good government, nor will harmony prevail.

What I do not know, I also do not believe I know.

Love consists in feeling that the sacred being beats within the beloved.

Don't let the grass grow on the path of friendship.

One must have the courage to speak the truth, especially when speaking of the truth.

When a multitude exercises authority, it is even more cruel than the tyrants.