Collection of the best phrases and famous quotes from the most prominent authors.
It takes time to become young.
The quality of a painter depends on the amount of past they carry with them.
Even if there were only one single truth, one couldn't paint a hundred paintings on the same subject.
Painting is stronger than me, it always manages to make me do what it wants.
I don't seek, I find.
Every act of creation is first and foremost an act of destruction.
Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.
Nothing can be done in solitude.
All children are born artists. The problem is how to remain artists as we grow up.
To love without desire is worse than eating without hunger.
God will forgive those who deny Him, but what will He do with those who commit evil in His name?
What we do for ourselves dies with us, what we do for others and for the world remains and is immortal.