Collection of the best phrases and famous quotes from the most prominent authors.
It is very difficult to subject to obedience one who does not seek to command.
Only those whom destiny has struck can truly be helped with love. Only they know how to love and be loved as it should be loved: with gratitude and humility.
There are two kinds of compassion. One, the weak and sentimental [...] which is not exactly compassion, but rather an instinctive defense of the soul against the pain of others. And the other, the only one that matters, is devoid of sentimentality [...] willing to endure with patience and resignation until its last strength and even beyond.
Every shadow is, after all, a daughter of light and only those who have known the clarity and the darkness, the war and the peace, the rise and the fall, only they have truly lived.
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
Forget what you have given to remember what you have received.
Nothing takes as long as that which is never started.