Collection of the best phrases and famous quotes from the most prominent authors.
One must avoid the battle instead of winning it. There are victories that impoverish the defeated, but do not enrich the victor.
Half of life is luck, the other discipline; and this is decisive because, without discipline, one wouldn't know where to start with luck.
Love is like wine, and like wine, it comforts some and destroys others.
Old age means nothing more than ceasing to suffer for the past.
Sometimes it is nothing more than a very thin door that separates children from what we call the real world, and a little wind can open it.
The surest measure of all strength is the resistance that overcomes.
The first sign of genuine political vocation is, at all times, that a man renounces from the beginning to demand what is unattainable for him.
It is not until we realize that we mean something to others that we feel there is an aim or purpose in our existence.