Collection of phrases and quotes about destiny.
To fight against our destiny would be a struggle like that of the sheaf of ears of corn wanting to resist the sickle.
What the heavens have ordained to happen, no human diligence or wisdom can prevent it.
It has always been believed that there is something called destiny, but it has also always been believed that there is another thing called free will. What qualifies a man is the balance of that contradiction.
The wise man believes in destiny; the fickle one in chance.
We were making our plans, but we forgot that destiny also has plans.
What is considered blindness of fate is actually one's own myopia.
We must act, not to go against destiny, but to go ahead of it.
Having raised the wall against the will of the immortal gods, it was not meant to stand for a long time.
Miserable mortals who, like leaves, are either flourishing and vigorous as they eat the fruits of the earth, or become lifeless and die.
We often find our destiny on the paths we take to avoid it.
Do not forget your history nor your destiny.
Destiny does not reign without the secret complicity of instinct and will.