Cesare Pavese Quote

Everything is in childhood, even that fascination that will be the future and that only then is felt as a wonderful shock.

The surprise is the motive of every discovery.

Cesare Pavese

There is something sadder than growing old, and that is to remain a child.

Cesare Pavese

Writing is beautiful because it combines the two joys: speaking to oneself and speaking to the multitude.

Cesare Pavese

The future will come from a long pain and a long silence.

Cesare Pavese

Writing poetry is like making love: one will never know if their own joy is shared.

Cesare Pavese

If it's true that we get used to pain, how is it that over the years we suffer more and more?

Cesare Pavese

The only joy in the world is to begin. It is beautiful to live because to live is to begin, always, at every moment. When that sensation is missing, one would want to die.

Cesare Pavese

But the great, the tremendous truth is this: suffering is useless.

Cesare Pavese

It's true that by suffering you can learn many things. The bad thing is that having suffered, we have lost the strength to make use of them.

Cesare Pavese

The whole problem of life is this: how to break one's own solitude, how to communicate with others.

Cesare Pavese

It's called nostalgia, and it serves to remind us that, fortunately, we are also fragile.

Cesare Pavese

The lesson is always the same: to dive in headfirst and know how to endure the punishment.

Cesare Pavese