Ángel Ganivet Quote

To eradicate bad practices, the law is much less useful than individual efforts.

A minute of honest and sincere life is worth more than a hundred years of hypocrisy.

Ángel Ganivet

Man should not blindly follow a fixed course.

Ángel Ganivet

Maternal love is always great, but it reaches the sublime when mixed with admiration for the beloved child.

Ángel Ganivet

The truths of men must be like stones and the positions they hold, like pitchers: no matter what happens, the pitcher must be broken.

Ángel Ganivet

The horizon is in the eyes and not in reality.

Ángel Ganivet

Man is the most mysterious and perplexing of the objects discovered by science.

Ángel Ganivet

Our strength lies in our ideal with our poverty, not in wealth without ideals.

Ángel Ganivet

The art of a prince consists of doing good personally and evil second-hand.

Ángel Ganivet

The human character is like a balance: on one side lies moderation, and on the other audacity. The timid who is moderate and the indiscreet who is bold are imbalanced scales, useless tools.

Ángel Ganivet

The fury with which the current world seeks pleasure proves that it lacks it.

Ángel Ganivet

Women have only one path to surpass men in merits: to become more of a woman every day.

Ángel Ganivet